Cranes, mobile cranes, derricks, elevators and gondolas shall, when intending to continueusing beyond the valid term of the inspection certificate determined by the Government, undergo the regular inspection.
JCA carries out the regular inspection as a registered inspection agency of the Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare.
Cranes which shall undergo the regular inspection are as follows:
With the lifting capacity of 3 tons or more (stacker type cranes with 1 ton or more)
Inspection of hoisting mechanism
Mobile crane
With the lifting capacity of 3 tonsor more
With the lifting capacity of 2 tons or more
With the loading capacity of 1 tonor more
Without relation to the loading capacity
Type Examination
The overload preventive devices shall undergo the type examination.
JCA carries out the type examination as a registered type examination agency of the Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare.
Special Inspection
According to the request by the National Government and the Prefectural Government, JCA carries out the inspection prior to first use and the regular inspection for cranes, etc. and gondolas, which are installed in these facilities.
Export Inspection
Load test
According to the request by the purchaser or manufacturer, JCA carries out manufacturing inspection or regular inspection for cranes, etc. and gondolas.
Guidance for Implementation of Periodic Self Inspection
JCA carries out guidance to users for the periodic self inspection, which is required by the legislation.