Pubic relations • Publication
Public relations

Monthly journal“Crane”

JCA carries out various public relation activities for upgrading crane technology and promoting safety consciousness on lifting operations, providing the technical information, standards, legislation and their interpretation, safety measures, accident cases, accident statistics, etc. in the monthly journal“Crane”or through the website.
And JCA distributes posters and stickers to members and related sectors calling for enhancement of accident prevention.
Published books/Textbooks
JCA publishes and distributes a monthly journal ”Crane” and ”Crane Year Book” to members and related sectors.
JCA also publishes various books such as commentaries of legislation for cranes etc. andgondolas, textbooks for skills training courses, special education, safety and health education, periodic self inspection required by the legislation, license examination crane, mobile crane and derrick operator, question/answer books for license examination of crane.
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